13,893 days

Ahmad Zubair
3 min readFeb 5, 2024

It's the 15th hour of the 13,893rd day of my life.

I never realized what it felt like to grow old and lose your prime self doing a job for a corporate giant (where you are just another cog in the machine and doesn't matter if you are there or not). Maybe I was not living, and I was just passing by. The repetitive hum of the office air conditioner along with the daily wishper of gossip has become my daily anthem, drowning out the melody of life that once played so vividly in my youth.

In the pursuit of success and financial stability (or maybe I was very eager to fulfill my dreams without realizing that I would lose myself in the whole process), I found myself entangled in the intricate web of corporate monotony. The dream of a fulfilling life became a distant memory as I clocked in and out, exchanging the best years of my existence for a paycheck (and ultimately started to live from paycheck to paycheck). The once vibrant colors of my aspirations have faded into shades of gray, and the taste of ambition turned bitter with each passing day.

After all my efforts to make ends meet, my ATM card was more important than me. It even had more respect than me. It became the key to my existence, holding the power to unlock or deny access to the necessities of life. In the eyes of the world, my worth was measured by the digits in my bank account, and my identity was reduced to the magnetic strip on that plastic card.

As the years rolled on, the relentless pursuit of financial stability overshadowed my quest for a meaningful life. I became a mere pawn in the corporate game, where success was defined by the numbers on a balance sheet. The more I earned, the less I felt alive. The more promotions I received, the further I distanced myself from the essence of life.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks — my aspirations were imprisoned in the walls of a cubicle, and my dreams were suffocating in the air-conditioned corridors of the corporate world. The work I once thought would lead to freedom became the very chains that bound me.

The symphony of my life remains unfinished, a melody interrupted by the harsh cacophony of deadlines and bottom lines. The desire to break free from this relentless cycle is now a relentless drumbeat in my heart. Depression and desperation grip me as I yearn for a life where money doesn’t matter, where the pursuit of happiness isn’t synonymous with climbing the corporate ladder.

The journey to reclaim my life is a daunting one, filled with uncertainties and risks. Yet, the spark of hope remains, flickering in the recesses of my soul. The next chapter of my story awaits, a blank page ready to be filled with the ink of change. The quest for a life beyond the confines of the rat race continues, and I stand at the crossroads, ready to embark on a path where the true currency is not measured in dollars and cents but in the richness of experiences, connections, and the pursuit of genuine happiness.



Ahmad Zubair

By profession I am a technical fraud analyst, by passion I am …. still searching.