Being Phenomenal

It’s been a while since I last published something. Things have been constantly changing. It’s hard to check up on LIFE. Living LIFE is becoming a challenge. One needs to have a set target and without that LIFE is boring.
I have been meaning to write something for all those who are working tirelessly in achieving their goals. And also, for those who are struggling to make peace with LIFE. I just wanted to tell everyone, out there working hard, that they are actually the people who are living their lives to their full potential.
And this piece of writing is for them, with only one perspective in mind. Being Phenomenal.
I want to encourage You and Everybody out there who’s thinking about quitting or giving up. I want to encourage somebody who has been praying for years for things to turn around. I want to tell you that now when you’re thinking about quitting and giving up, you are caving into the problems you are facing.
You have to look back and remember that you are in a storm and at this moment you’re down on your knees because you’re cold and you feel weak. You feel like this is the end of your struggle but you have to know that this moment is a choice for You.
A choice that you have to make for yourself. Either you give up and accept this as fate or keep going, continue your painful journey, never give up and keep yourself focused. If you choose to do the latter then you have to fail and build the courage to try again and again, and again until you win. Like it’s said, One step at a time.
Believe me, when I tell you this, it’s not only hard, it’s brutal but it’s worth fighting for. It’s worth fighting relentlessly and never giving up. There are sunny days and rainy days in your life. Sunny days alone can’t produce anything, everything needs a little rain.
But you should not be looking at rainy days as trouble. Rain will bring the best out of you. Rain will help you find your greatest moments when you are all wet and bruised but still have the courage to go on, that’s when you will find your true self.
The moment when you are about to accept the circumstances as they are, you have to find a way to get back up, you can’t think for one minute that rain broke you and got you all twisted. You can’t tell yourself that you are not phenomenal. But you have to say out loud that you will not give up, you will not surrender and you will not quit.
You have to keep your head up, stick your chest up and walk with pride and know if it was easy everybody would do it. And it will not be going to be easy but you have what it takes to be a high achiever in society. You have to understand that a bad time is going to come but it is not here to stay, it's meant to pass by.
Don’t say that you are having a bad day, just say I’m having a character-building day.
And every morning you need to get up and tell yourself that you are Phenomenal and there is nothing or no one who could stop you from being YOU. There will be problems and hurdles but you are Phenomenal and that’s all you have to be.