Can Dreams be Reality?

Ahmad Zubair
4 min readJan 10, 2022


One of the most common questions I have been asked by my followers is, “how have I progressed in my carrier and what advice will I give to people who are sort of stuck at the same place in their lives”?

Have you ever thought that there are hundreds and hundreds of professionals in every field but only 1 or 2 are remembered? These 1 or 2 highly renowned and skilled professionals are those who worked hard and sacrificed everything.

Luckily I happen to be friends with one such person. He has such a charismatic personality and a positive attitude that he could motivate anyone to change a life. The other day, I happen to have been in a discussion with him, and this time I had a different reason to meet him.

I wanted to share his secrets with you guys. I know all of you have been curious about me but the truth behind my success is his motivation. He helped me change my life and here is how I did it. I promise you that I will not complicate things for you and will keep them simple for you to understand easily.

I know, all of you have so many questions and that’s what I like the most. A question like, how did I make up my mind to do something and achieve my target, why do others fail when I successfully achieve my goal, I will answer all of your questions. Let’s dig in and see how things happen.

Here is the first thing you need to do to be successful:

· You need to clear your head and ensure that there are no negative thoughts in your head. Negativity drags you down with itself.

· Once you have cleared your head, you need to find a thing that fascinates you. It can be anything, reading, writing, singing, making videos, or conducting interviews for the podcast. Sit down in silence with yourself and find within you the task which you love to do.

· Understand this, if you will not follow your passion, you will end up doing nothing again. So invest your energies and time in figuring out what are you passionate about. As yourself, is it something you can sacrifice your sleep for? If yes then you have found what you want to do. If not then you have to continue looking for your passion.

None of the things in this article would work for you unless you have a goal-oriented mindset. Well let’s see what the second thing you need to do is:

· Read. Yes, you have read it correctly. The second thing you want to do is to start reading. Reading gives you a perspective on life. Reading helped me see the bigger picture and focus a mind needs to grow on. And yes reading keeps your mind sharp and healthy.

· Reading helps you learn to think critically and creatively. If anything can inspire you with something then it’s reading. It makes you imagine things that a normal human being can’t imagine. It takes your boredom away.

· And also reading helps to get your creative side the brain thinking, unlike other menial activities which don’t intrigue you at all.

Unlike many, I was also stuck in the same place for many years before I realized that I have to realize the fact that I am not enjoying anything. This thought helped me decide that I will switch my job and start doing what I wanted to do which was following my passion to talk and write and become an influencer.

It wasn’t easy. The change was scary. It will always be. But at the same time, I knew I had to face my fears and my dreams are on the other side of fear. It was a choice I had to make. Either there was comfort and relaxed life but unfulfilled life or an uncomfortable, hardworking but life full of contempt.

For me, being an influencer I had to learn some new things such as

· Master the art of formal communication.

· Creating a network of people who have a positive charismatic personality.

· Read more and more.

· Attend training to help me achieve my dreams.

· Practice talking in a small group or with a limited audience.

After years of learning now I know that personality is far more important than clothes. Looks matter, they do and I am not against designer clothes. But understand what I am trying to tell you here. Fancy, designer clothes will bring confidence in you to speak, but these clothes will never help you convince or impress people with your words. It will always be your personality and the way you do what you do.

So to be a better person with a confined personality, here is what you need to do:

· Improve your communication skills. It’s the way you talk which attracts people towards them.

· Dress better

· Learn how to be presentable

· Don’t bluff

To end it all, you can either live your stagnant life and continue complaining or you can move, work hard, sweat a lot, and be fulfilled. Having this feeling of contempt will never be easy, it will be very difficult, but it will make you happy.

I will leave the rest to you to decide for your life.



Ahmad Zubair
Ahmad Zubair

Written by Ahmad Zubair

By profession I am a technical fraud analyst, by passion I am …. still searching.

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