Time, do you think you have enough of it?
After becoming an integral part of this digital world, I considered myself a digital worker as well. This feeling of being digitized made me realize that time is the only thing that I don’t have. No matter how much effort I put in, somehow I am always short of time.
With, everyone working in a 24 7 (hard and fast) routine, I have found myself struggling very hard to catch up with others and achieve the most in this somewhat limited time.
Fellows, let me be very honest here and tell you that it’s all about achieving your dreams and staying ahead in your game. You may ask me if that’s the thing then how do we do that? And believe me when I tell you that the answer to this mysteriously intriguing question is Time Management. Yes.
In today’s article, I will be telling you my learnings of Time Management. I will be discussing how I drafted a timetable to follow to achieve my goals. Let me motivate you a little here to tell you a secret. Following this timetable I have been able to achieve more than I have achieved in the second half of 2021, allowing me to accomplish my dreams 1 step at a time.
So without any further ado, here is what I have learned and how you can use the same manner to be successful. Let’s dive in. First of all, you have to understand the fact that we own only our time, which means that whatever we do happens only because we choose to do that.
Once I realized what deep factual meaning this statement has, it became clear to me that if I want something done then I can’t procrastinate and I need to get that thing done on earliest. Well, my friends, I am sure you will now ask how to make that happen. Well, I have to be very honest here while answering this question.
Once how have decided what to do, you need to follow the Yes or No principle. This is suggested by Derek Sivers which consists of the following questions.
• Whatever you are planning on doing, does that motivate you to do it?
• Does it fascinate you and will it bring any happiness to you?
• Is it worth investing your time and do you think that accepting the tasks or taking that line of approach benefits you in a meaningful way?
If the answer to all three of these questions is a simple Yes, then you should start immediately working on this task. And literally, skip everything for some other time. Remember this, as long as you get some meaningful impact from that task, you will be interested in accomplishing it.
Okay, so the next thing I learned to do was to list down tasks on a priority-wise level. With the highest priority task to be listed on top of the list. This concept is called a daily highlight concept. It helped me by highlighting 1 task with the highest priority to avoid putting my time and effort into unimportant tasks. Following this method of daily highlights, I have seen the results within weeks. I made amazing progress and I hope the same from you as well.
Like me, have you ever heard people saying “half of your task is done when you write it down”? I never believed in this statement. But it shook me when I gave it a shot. This is called writing To-Do List. I am going to get a pause here and ask you what you think a physical to-do list will do to you.
You will be shocked by the answer. The first time I wrote my To-Do List down, I immediately knew that half of the things on that list were of no use, and doesn’t matter if they were not down. But there was an added factor. Now I didn’t have to remember all the things which needs to be done and that was a big relief.
Not only did it help me reduce pressure to remember everything, but it also helped me with seeing what needs and on which priority. This was a life-changing routine for me and I would love to hear from you after you practice the same.
By now, my dear fellows, I am sure you will have two questions. First, how many more practices do you need to incorporate in your daily life to manage your time? And secondly, will it work for you or not.
Well, with yes or no principle, prioritizing your task and drafting a physical to-do list, all you need to do now is to dedicate a certain time limit to complete a task and leave the rest of your day to relax and brainstorm for the next day.
So what needs to be done when you want to dedicate a certain time limit to complete a task? Simple, you already know how much time the task will take. All you need to do further is to allocate appropriate time windows on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Remember this, you have to get goals for this task on a daily level. If not achieved on the daily level then you will never be able to manage time to complete this task leading to other problems.
And in the end, have some you time. Your time is the time in which you do things to relax and get free from your busy life. This time can be consumed by your hobbies.
That’s it, that’s how I manage my time and that’s how I want you to manage your time as well. And I would like to leave today by telling you that you have a choice, a choice to feel contempt, happy and satisfied.
I can either feel good for all the tasks I have completed or I can be disappointed and sad for missing out on the timelines. It’s all in my hands. So I am leaving you today with two questions here. First, are you willing to succeed in this life accomplishing your dreams? Secondly, will you still procrastinate and let others win whereas you will be on the very same spot as was before.