What liberates you?
For me, writing liberates me. Writing makes me feel lively. Not about something specific, just simply writing. Maybe it's okay to say, it calms me down. It gives me perspective. Writing helps me push my mind to go silent and focus. Tell me about you, what liberates you really?
Recently, I read “The Artist’s Way” book by Julia Cameron. For me, it is one of those books which I could read again and again. And believe me, every time I have read this book, there was be a new, different, and better perspective for me. Something that I was craving. It is one of those self-help books which actually helps you to change your paradigm.
The writer shared many exercises that teach techniques helping people to gain self-confidence and harness their inner creativity. Out of all, my favorite exercise is Morning Pages. So basically in this exercise, you have to write three pages. Doesn't matter what you write about. The handwriting doesn't matter. Nothing is wrong when it comes to Morning Pages. The most amazing thing is that you can write anything, Yes literally anything or about almost everything that you have in your mind at that moment.
Here is what Morning Pages can do. This journaling technique gives you clarity, helps you concentrate and prioritize comfortably your day. Morning pages let you see what’s troubling you and helps you to synchronize your day at hand. There is no need to over-think about Morning Pages, you just have to follow a routine, wake up, just fill three pages of whatever thoughts you have in your mind on the page, and then repeat until either you win the war or conquer yourself completely.
There is only 1 requirement. These morning pages are only for you. You should not let anyone else read them. Why, because these pages are filled with your inner feelings, emotions, and demons you are on a war with. It is therefore important for you to clearly understand that you don’t need to show any of the morning pages to anyone at all.
Here is what Morning Pages did to me. The pages I wrote hold my deepest darkest setbacks. These pages helped me realize that thoughts are just thoughts. Thoughts will never help me change my behavior. Thoughts made me dream about setting goals. But I was not working on developing a system in order to achieve that goal.
This exercise helped me a lot, liberating me from all the non-existential drama my mind had created and apparently for no good reason. It didn't need any feedback from me. It just had to be accepted and put down to rest. that's all.