Your Health is not an Option!!!
Life without health is an awful obligation. Neither you can run from it nor can fulfill it. we are carefree about health not because we are ignorant but because we take it for granted. Just imagine missing one eye blink, one heartbeat, or one breath unexpectedly, we will definitely get panicked.
We always blame today’s food for unhealthiness in this most scientifically progressed era of all the times. that’s not right! Someone or something else is responsible. Then what it is? Let's figure it out. Start diagnosis little by little.
Here is the first question. How many steps do you walk in a day approximately? The answer to that question is:
- More than 12,500 steps/day.
- 10,000 steps/day.
- 7,500–9,999 steps/day.
- 5,000–7,500 steps/day.
- Less than 5,000 steps/day.